No Puppy Mill Pledge
By abiding by USDA regulations, we uphold the highest standards in our practices. Our selective breeding plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality health of puppies. Choosing breeding sires and dams based on genetic screenings, temperament, and overall health helps us reduce the risk of hereditary diseases and congenital issues passed down to puppies. This careful process results in healthier and happier puppies, promoting longevity and better quality of life for your puppy and for you. Prioritizing the health and welfare of the dogs ensures that each new generation thrives, fostering a strong bond between humans and their canine companions while upholding the principles of responsible dog breeding.
Reputation Matters
We recognize that every customer is unique and every dog is special. Our team works to ensure that each puppy is of the highest quality, and that each customer has the peace of mind knowing that their pup came from a reputable dog breeder. We tailor our service to meet your needs.
Puppies Over Profit
We love dogs as much as you do. Our puppies are raised in the best possible environment and given the utmost love and attention. The joy of raising puppies and finding them homes is the most fulfilling experience for us.
Licensed & Registered
We are held to the highest standards of integrity. All of our dogs are health-checked and vet-checked to ensure they meet USDA regulations and standards. We understand the importance of quality and transparency, which is why we have nothing to hide and everything to give.